OCA-1000 是一款多通道光学元件分析仪,可同时测量多路光纤上的插入损耗 (IL)、偏振相关损耗 (PDL) 和光功率 (P)路径。测量基于穆勒矩阵方法,可提供快速表征对当今光通信至关重要的波长相关光参数系统。基本型号最多可以有 8 个通道。自定义 8 或 16 通道扩展单元可以
添加以将系统容量增加到多达 40 个通道。
该仪器带有一个带有内置功能的控制程序,可显示测量的功率、IL 和 PDL 与波长的关系或监控时间变化所有通道的功率/IL 同时确定它们的稳定性。对于 AWG 表征,数据分析软件还计算通带中心波长、带宽和平坦度以及通道间串扰(来自相邻和非相邻通道)。
OCA-1000 是一种理想的解决方案,可轻松、准确地表征具有多个输出的组件和模块,包括 DWDM、ROADM、AWG 和PLC。它可以与各种可调谐激光器一起使用,例如 Keysight 或 Santec 的激光器。这种灵活性充分利用了现有的激光资源,减少了进行此类测量的成本。其快速测量减少了表征具有大量端口的设备所需的时间,从而实现更高生产吞吐量。
Figure 1. Transmission vs. wavelength for 8 channels of an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG). Pass bands for each channel are clearly visible.
Figure 2. IL and PDL vs. wavelength for one channel of the AWG. PDL is relatively flat over the passband of this channel.
Figure 3 Detailed transmission vs. wavelength data for one channel of the same AWG. The plot shows the maximum, minimum, and average transmission vs. wavelength. The difference between maximum and minimum is an indication of the polarization dependent behavior for this device. The table shows the passband, flatness, and crosstalk information for this channel.
Figure 4. PDL vs. wavelength for a 1.96dB PDL artifact. The data indicates that the PDL of this device is relatively flat over the tested wavelength range.