Serial Presence Detect (SPD) is a standardized method to automatcally access the informaton about DDR3/4/5 memory modules. When a electronic system us powered on, it starts doing automatcally confguring the system by identfying diferent hardware components. SPD is a feature in DDR3/4/5 enables the electronic system to know the DDR memory details and its tming informaton. DDR3/4 memory modules use SM Bus to provide this informaton. In case latest very high speed memory DDR5 uses low voltage signals (1V) I3C interface to read the memory details and its tming informaton.
Fig 1. Typical I3C Bus architecture in DDR5 based system design
Typical I3C bus architecture is shown in Fig.1. When host controller is interfaced DDR5 modules using SPD5 hub. During the design and testng stage, it can be very challenging to monitor all the I3C bus in this architecture using of the shelf oscilloscopes.
Some of the key requirements to debug these designs as below
Prodigy Technovatons has developed industry frst mult-channel I3C decode soluton on the existng logic analyser. It has following capabilites.
PGY-LA-Mult-I3C is a 16 Channel logic analyser. Which has the following key capabilites
Multchannel I3C Protocol decode analysis result view as shown in fg3.
Fig. 2. Listng of Mult I3C channel decode and digital tming diagram
Listng window list decodes the i3C packets from diferent I3C bus and displays it. Timestamp is used to list packet in the order so that user can the events happening with respect to the tme.
Sofware also displays the tming waveform with bus diagram. Bus diagram will have each I3C packet informaton for easy debug purposes.
To capture the trafc at specifc event, user can set the trigger conditon based on I3C Protocol packet content.
Fig. 3. I3C protocol Aware Trigger GUI
User can export this data to fle in CSV format. This DATA can be viewedExcel sofware for further analysis
Fig. 4. CSV export in Excel sofware
Exported data will tme stamp, I3C bus name, protocol packet content and frequency of operaton. T
PGY-LA-Mult-I3C provides most comprehensive soluton address the DDR5 system requirements for serial peripheral detect bus. It can decode all eight channels with listng and tming diagram view. Abilites to export this data makes it most convenient to use it.
Prodigy Technovatons provides most comprehensive soluton to develop I3C Technology. Following are products.